Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's Pickle Time!

Well, the fruit isn't ready yet, so my jam making frenzy hasn't yet begun, so I have tried some new pickle recipes this year to take advantage of the fresh herbs I have on hand and the greenhouse vegetables from Grandora Gardens!

I've got gurksalat now at the farmer's market - a fresh tasting cucumber vinegar pickle with red onion and dill, crunchy and refreshing!

Have you ever tried or heard of watermelon rind pickles? Someone must have been very poor and very hungry to come up with this recipe, but it is in every canning book I have. I had to try it. It is interesting - sweet and sour, with a bit cinnamon and nutmeg, I can't imagine what you would eat it with, but it is quite tasty on its own! I'm sold out after one week, but will make more for next weekend's market.

Another cucumber pickle to try with fennel from a new favourite blog, www.cottagesmallholder.com. It will be ready for this weekend!

Also, pink radish pickles, earthy and spicy tasting. I found the recipe in that free magazine you can find at the liquor store!

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